
Can we guess your age with these 7 simple questions about language?

Can we guess your age with these 7 simple questions about language?

The use of words change with time so pick the phrase you are more comfortable with and we’ll guess your age.

1. Are you ok using “fun” as an adjective?

  1. “That would be a lot of fun.”
  2. “That would be very fun.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use

2. What about using a singular “they”?

  1. “Everyone who wants to come on the trip should bring his or her ticket.”
  2. “Everyone who wants to come on the trip should bring their ticket.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use

3. How do you feel about using “big of”

  1. “It’s not too big a deal.”
  2. “It’s not too big of a deal.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use

4. Are you ok with “however” as conjunction?

  1. “It rained yesterday. However, tomorrow looks nice.”
  2. “It rained yesterday, however tomorrow looks nice.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use

5. Comfortable with “lead” as past tense of “to lead”?

  1. “The general led the troops into battle.”
  2. “The general lead the troops into battle.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use

6. Fine with “mic” as the abbreviation for “microphone”?

  1. “He picked up the mike and started to sing.”
  2. “He picked up the mic and started to sing.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use

7. And finally, what about present-tense “lay down”?

  1. “After lunch, I like to lie down and have a nap.”
  2. “After lunch I like to lay down and have a nap.”
You’ve picked the [OLDER] use
Quiz written by@robmanueland based on data from the superb article7 language habits that reveal your age.