Brangelina admit ‘no idea’ how many kids they have
Celebrity News: Hollywood star couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie admitted today that they have ‘absolutely no goddamn clue’ how many children they have.
“It could be seven, maybe ten, maybe even twenty – who knows?” mused Pitt, currently holidaying at their French chateau.
“I get up in the morning and there are dozens of these little guys from all over the world asking for cereal and a game of Frisbee. And that’s just the security personnel. As for all these kids? It’s exhausting. I’m like, ‘Angie is this tiny black dude with a Mohawk one of ours?'”
“The other day I saw Angie chastising a mother at the hypermarché who had let her twins knock over a display stand of cheeses. Turns out those were actually our own biological children. We have twins. When the hell did that happen? Talk about ‘Tree of Life’ – it’s a fucking orchard over here.’”