[LIVE BLOG] Budget 2015
13:46 The House becomes a bit too lively
13:37 Miliband gets to business
13:26 The BBC coverage went a bit downhill
WTF! George Osbrone is going to FREEZE the petrol! What an idiot. How the hell are we gonna get anywhere? Disgrace this man got in power
— Rhys James (@rhysjamesy) March 18, 2015
13:00 Facts
12:45 Real issues are dealt with
12:30 It begins
You know it's going well when Vince Cable is trying to RIP OUT HIS OWN EYES #budget2015 pic.twitter.com/duLvOL3oQN
— TechnicallyRon (On all the platforms) (@TechnicallyRon) March 18, 2015
12:00 Prime Minsters Questions begin
11:42 Our Political Team arrives with their predictions for the 2015 budget
11:24 It’s all going very sensibly.
#Budget2015 #Budget2015FilmPosters http://t.co/YIJVSpleuL (via @JimboLoony)
— The Poke (@ThePoke) March 18, 2015
#Budget2015FilmPosters pic.twitter.com/HTxmpFuAmm (via @tumour)
— The Poke (@ThePoke) March 18, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked letter from Number 10 to Mr Osborne
10:00 We won’t be fooled..
Budget Day: Where George Osborne puts our Tesco shopping in a Waitrose bag and we all believe that we're better off.
— Geraint (@geraintgriffith) March 18, 2015
Bingo! https://twitter.com/ThePoke/status/578114881859153920
The disappointing action hero you don’t need or deserve
#Budget2015 pic.twitter.com/LySo5oZw71
— Jeffw (@Jeffwni) March 18, 2015