
Watching this video of one woman lifting another will make you feel very unfit

SlimJones123 over on Reddit has shared this impressive bit of video with the joke “How to pick up a girl at the beach”.

How to pick up a girl at the beach

Both of these women are so immensely strong it’s staggering.

* “I was waiting for super strong lady to just drop the other one like they do in competitions”, says Nilfgaardian-Lemon

* “The first dude wants to have a longer look but knows his wife and son are behind him so he overcompensates by looking in the complete opposite direction. Then old mate with the sunnies comes along…”, notes nobody_likes_soda

* “I will never learn if the guy in the background finishes his handstand :(“, says Sevarra

* “I’m more impressed by the girl being dead lifted”, writes bangtango

Source: Reddit