
The Lord Mayor of Sheffield said this about Donald Trump and now he’s everyone’s hero

The Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Magid Magid, doesn’t fit the stuffy stereotypes that often go with the office. He’s young, Muslim, represents the Green Party, wears zappy ties, Doc Martins and slogan tee-shirts, and he doesn’t mince words when it comes to Donald Trump.

On America’s Independence Day, the 4th of July, he tweeted out a photo of himself wearing a sombrero and a tee-shirt bearing the slogan “Donald Trump is a wasteman” and including a message directly addressing the man himself.

Photo credit: @snappersaunders

As if it weren’t amazing enough to call Trump a wasteman and ban him from Sheffield, he followed up with these lists:

5 Reasons (of thousands) Why Donald Trump is a WASTEMAN

1. For issuing his ridiculous, racist ‘Muslim ban’
2. For stupidly withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement
3. For mindlessly moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem
4. For enforcing the imprisonment of children at borders
5. For defending the violence and actions of white supremacists

5 Things we can do to beat Donald Trump

1. Join the anti-Trump demonstrations or set them up wherever you are
2. Join or donate to organisations combating Trump and his policies
3. Check on people who you know may be targets of rising hate crimes
4. Show solidarity with institutes, from mosques to parenthood clinics, that suffer most from Trump’s politics
5. Lobby your government representatives to take a vocal stand against Trump

Some people weren’t happy.

But others were really impressed by his different approach.

And. like the Guardian’s media editor, Jim Waterson, we’re wondering how it’s going to go down with right-wing America.

Watch this space.