This kitten’s special move is both highly impressive and totally misjudged
Catfight of the week, no question. And while the little kitty’s special move is undoubtedly impressive, well, have a watch for yourself. And try not to smile while you’re doing it.
‘A classic confrontation,’ says bernardlerenard over on Reddit and it is, it really is.
And this is what the pundits made of it.
Matt872000: ‘The smaller one jumped the gun and gave up his move far too early.’
HummingArrow: ‘And jumped too high. More of a lunge would have been effective. Still, I have more respect for those who developed martial arts from the fighting styles of animals, without slo-mo.’
Jufloz: ‘Oh my god he’s broken in half now after that power slam.’
The payoff to this video of a dog licking a cat is even scarier than you expect
Source Reddit u/bernardlerenard