The Financial Times said Remainers shouldn’t gloat – our 9 favourite clapbacks
It can surely come as no surprise to anybody that the hashtag #BrexitShambles regularly makes an appearance on Twitter, and a cursory glance at the news will confirm the reasons.
The evident failure of Brexit was the topic of an opinion piece in Wednesday’s Financial Times, but the apparent target was not the politicians who made promises that couldn’t possibly be kept or the voters who cried “project fear” at every warning of the inevitable outcomes.
The central theme was a warning to Remainers to *checks notes* refrain from gloating.
Remainers must not gloat over Brexit’s failures https://t.co/vd83rfbNx5
— Financial Times (@FT) December 9, 2020
It went down like a dry cough at a dental appointment.
Sick with anxiety, distressed at what is happening to our country and the damage being caused, this seems an unbelievably inapt edict. https://t.co/tQIMoLvkii
— Jessica Simor QC (@JMPSimor) December 9, 2020
2016: Ha ha we won, you lost, get over it.
2017: Ha ha we won, you lost, get over it.
2018: Ha ha we won, you lost, get over it.
2019: Ha ha we won, you lost, get over it.
2020: Gloating isn't very constructive you know. https://t.co/8ZxKDV3HTb
— Matthew Hankins (@mc_hankins) December 9, 2020
Gloating would be an odd reaction to everything going tits up anyway. Ha ha I’m absolutely fucked here, this country in which I live has gone to shit, in your face! https://t.co/leBamrnAMv
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) December 9, 2020
me, a smug remainer, as the economy grinds to a halt and this miserable island descends into a smouldering, Mad Max wasteland: heheh, fuckin told you so https://t.co/4NyIIbHrQ0
— Steve Hogarty (@misterbrilliant) December 9, 2020
Is running round crying “ahhh this is such a shit show ahhh why why why why why” gloating https://t.co/ZniiVH6Z8Q
— Rosie Holt (@RosieisaHolt) December 9, 2020
I won't gloat over people losing jobs, young people losing opportunities, foreign workers deported or poor people slipping further into poverty.
Leavers assume we'll gloat if it goes wrong. We won't. We'll mourn, because we always wanted Brexit to prove us wrong. But it hasn't. https://t.co/QdtzrxLg5Y— Nick Pettigrew (@Nick_Pettigrew) December 9, 2020
"Our bus has now driven off a cliff. Please stop screaming as it may upset the driver and all those who denied the existence of gravity."
Nah mate. 4+ years of "we won you lost get over it" rhetoric will be returned with interest. We've earned this. https://t.co/VS4GhUepPc
— Dai Lama (@WelshDalaiLama) December 9, 2020
Fuck basically everything about this headline. https://t.co/l5dRKxBp8o
— 🏳️🌈 Mary ChristMax 🏳️🌈 (@SpillerOfTea) December 9, 2020
The other boys must not laugh about me slipping on ice and hitting my arse so hard on the ground that I am sick and shit my pants. https://t.co/pCU8uF7jRH
— THE GRINK VS THE PROCK (@NightmareModeGo) December 9, 2020
Journalist, Jonathan Lis, imagined a scenario in which Brexit had been a roaring success.
I get that Remainers are being told not to gloat, but my god, how would the Brexiters be behaving if they’d been vindicated?
— Jonathan Lis (@jonlis1) December 9, 2020
A small price to pay.
The 14 funniest takes on Boris Johnson’s Brexit talks dinner with Ursula von der Leyen
Source Financial Times Image Jaime Casap on Unsplash, Screengrab