People are sharing what ‘ultimate middle-aged crush’ Gareth Southgate would do for them and it’s brilliant
And he’d stack the dishwasher just the way you like it even tho he secretly disagrees.
— Ali Silver (@AlisonSilver1) July 3, 2021
I would add that it’s highly likely he’d head out the front door with some damp kitchen roll to get rid of the bird poop on your car whilst you go for a bath too. He’d hate to see it take the paint off.
— Sara Jones (@awrightdave) July 3, 2021
I think he’d go to bed just before you and lay on your side, moving to the cold side so you can get in to the Gareth sized cocoon of warmth. And he wouldn’t fart under the duvet and make you smell it either.
— Kathryn Waldegrave RN HV QN 💙🦩 (@WaldyPhD) July 3, 2021
He’d definitely notice if your nail varnish hadn’t cracked a week after applying and say “your nails still look lovely”
And then he would look to see what brand of nail varnish you were using so he can buy some as a stocking filler and add it to the hidden stocking filler box.
— Charlotte Wilson 💙 (@larleywilson) July 4, 2021
We would have a shared shopping list app. Gareth would check it before leaving work and pop into a shop. Sometimes the app doesn’t sync between our phones fast enough and we accidentally double up on something. We put it in the cupboard and we are pleased that we have a back up.
— Olwen Lily 💚🤍💜 (@LilyOlwen) July 3, 2021
I think he probably makes the perfect cup of tea.
— Nicole (@rockculture_nic) July 3, 2021
I see him as the headteacher every teacher, pupil and parent would like in charge of their school.
— Angry Byrd (@clozcmorr) July 3, 2021
He’s got two roasted turkeys under foil in the boot of his car an no pensioner or single mother is going without turkey this Christmas
— Marc Williams (@bushofgoats) July 3, 2021
He’d hold your hair back when you’re chucking up in the loo, and bring strong coffee and shortbread fingers the next morning #idealman
— Jenny E (@Jenni2800009) July 3, 2021
And he’d make sure your car was always topped up with petrol. And replace the vanilla magic tree once it’s run out too
— Hannah Russell (@hannahmcrussell) July 3, 2021
You’d wake up in the morning & he’d got up with the youngest 2 hours earlier done breakfast & cleared up. When you walk in he’d ask if you want a cup of tea
— Celia Hume (@HumeCelia) July 3, 2021
And also this.
I hope my wife doesn’t see this. Every time I leave an annoying household task a day longer than I should, she’ll just destroy me with a purse of the lips and a “Gareth Southgate would have done it by now…” 😅😅
— Nick Rayney (@hair_rayney) July 3, 2021
To conclude …
The replies to this. Be still my beating heart 🤣 https://t.co/vcdNWErG5t
— Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) July 3, 2021
A Tory MP boycotted England’s 4-0 win over taking the knee and it just made it even better
Source Twitter @littlemaddles