These lions losing sight of the bigger picture is a fabulously funny watch
You surely won’t see a funnier natural history clip this year, a pack of lions which lost sight of the bigger picture due to some unfortunate in-fighting.
‘I don’t know if it fits here but this made me facepalm,’ said _Xyreo_ who shared it over on the subReddit, r/facepalm.
‘This pack of lions of lions start fighting over a share of a water buffalo, while the buffalo just gets up and walks off.’
And it just gets better and better.
We love pretty much everything about that (including the fact it’s not half as gruesome as you think it’s going to be).
Although we can’t help but feel the water buffalo might have got it later. Let’s hope not!
And here are our favourite things people said about it on Reddit.
‘The last lion held on for a bit and then got up like. “Guys come on don’t fight”
tazztsim‘Lol I like how he at 0:11 goes like “you stay right here” to the buffalo.’
fuckrobert‘Can almost hear the buffalo whistling casually as it walks off’ nothing to see here’
Jamovic-‘Later that day, the buffalo: Ya’ll won’t believe what happened today…’
username-something‘Other buffalo: “No way this story is true. You are lion to us!”
NonSp3cificActionFig‘That buffalo better buy a lottery ticket.’
GeezerEbaneezer‘If they dont eat you after 5min you are legally allowed to leave.’
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Source Reddit u/_Xyreo_