Michael Gove’s faux outrage over the hostile environment broke people’s irony meters – 11 noes to the right
The UK’s efforts to provide asylum for Ukrainian refugees have been widely criticised for falling so short of the ideal – or even the acceptable.
On Monday, Michael Gove responded to Labour’s Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi relating the poor performance to the Tory Hostile Environment policy.
The Secretary of State for Levelling Up took to his feet in the House of Commons and had a good old rant.
Michael Gove – "I've had it up to here with people trying to suggest that this country is not generous… all the stuff about hostile environments, that was invented under a Labour home secretary… so can we just chuck it on the partisan nonsense & get on with delivering" pic.twitter.com/EsKqbv4Xk7
— Haggis_UK 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 (@Haggis_UK) March 14, 2022
“I have had it up to here with people trying to suggest this country is not generous.“
…said the chief Brexiter with this on his voting record –
Ava Santina set the record straight.
Hostile environment policy was introduced by Theresa May in 2012
The term was *used* by a Labour immigration minister in 2007 – note ~minister and not Home Secretary as Gove claims
Is that? Is that misleading the house? pic.twitter.com/61IfIPT4nN
— Ava-Santina (@AvaSantina) March 14, 2022
His dalliance with deep irony went down as well as you’d expect.
I wonder why Michael Gove. Could it be down to a decade of hotility to refugees perhaps? Or something to do with government plans to push dinghies carrying desperate families around? I've had it up to here too mate – with your hypocrisy. https://t.co/HMz2f0PfKM
— Otto English (@Otto_English) March 14, 2022
A Tory Home Secretary suggesting wave machines to repel refugees, a Tory MP claiming ‘Lincolnshire has done its bit’, Windrush victims still waiting for justice, Tory ‘Go Home’ vans & a Tory government backed by Tory papers singled out by the UN for their rancid racist rhetoric… https://t.co/jzYQ5ZaOQB
— James Oh Brien (@mrjamesob) March 14, 2022
Maybe one day, when the Tories are in government, they can change this Labour policy that this opposition politician seems to disagree with. https://t.co/N2Laut4h6B
— Holger Hestermeyer (@hhesterm) March 14, 2022
Yes, the Tories just suggested wave machines to drown refugees and sending asylum seekers to a volcanic island thousands of miles away. https://t.co/pfJi8CKVc3
— Shoaib M Khan (@ShoaibMKhan) March 14, 2022
I'm willing to accept Mr Gove's talking point – but only if it applies online and then in person, has immediate family links, gets biometric scanned at a location 75km away, and brings a water bill as proof of past residence.
I'm concerned it may be a spy, you see. https://t.co/q7x34Vy7vW
— Dmitry Grozoubinski (@DmitryOpines) March 14, 2022
If you say anything loudly and emphatically while gesticulating and feigning offence to a background of a cheering crowd of cronies it automatically becomes true… https://t.co/HPOH49yPTJ
— Dr. Deepti Gurdasani (@dgurdasani1) March 14, 2022
*stares in go home vans* https://t.co/GsJRjF7Otv
— Steve Peers (@StevePeers) March 14, 2022
the uk ranking 51 out of 52 nations for family reunion rights is part of the reason people couldn't just come here in the first place @michaelgove. do tory MPs ever know the faintest thing about their own immigration system or what https://t.co/QGYGHyaIaO
— Chris Boyd 🇬🇧🇵🇭🇺🇦 (@paperghost) March 14, 2022
The country has had it up to here with Gove. https://t.co/eeJifBGqpv
— Tim Walker (@ThatTimWalker) March 14, 2022
This is very lol well done @Michaelgove, saying Theresa May was Labour haha very good 👍 https://t.co/M93pzh8HfB
— Rosie Holt (@RosieisaHolt) March 14, 2022
Tantrums are us https://t.co/5UDeC33Ma1
— Andrew Parnall – Brexit can't/won't work, ever! (@dontbrexitfixit) March 14, 2022
Chris Smith pointed out something that is frequently overlooked.
Receiving refugees is not an act of "generosity". It is a legal obligation under international treaties. https://t.co/AM09hsrLhL
— Chris Smith (@ledredman) March 14, 2022
Michael Gove summed up his own incompetence with an outrageously incorrect Ukrainian visa claim
Source Haggis_UK Image Screengrab