Joe Lycett’s fabulous parking ticket story has just gone viral all over again
It’s been a few years now since Joe Lycett entertained the nation with this fabulous parking ticket story on Channel 4’s Eight Out of 10 Cats.
But that didn’t stop it going wildly viral all over again on Reddit today and it’s a fabulous watch, no matter how many times you’ve heard it.
It just went down a storm over on Reddit.
‘That was the funniest shit I’ve seen all week!!!’
DisplayZestyclose415‘Joe Lycett is the best.’
caffeiner‘I laughed, and then I paid my fines.’
Just in case you were wondering …
‘TIL doth butter no parasnips
‘Attested as early as 1639 as faire words butter noe parsnips, alluding to the English habit of buttering foods to make them more palatable.
‘It was found in the 17th century in various forms with the first and last word being different, thus allowing combinations of fine/fair/soft with parsnips/cabbage/fish/connie before becoming standardized in the form fine words doth butter no parsnips.’
We’re with this person.
‘I miss Sean Lock.’
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Source YouTube Channel 4 H/T Reddit u/follople