This epic Times correction gets better and better (or worse and worse, depending on your point of view)
Not the first newspaper correction we’ve featured on these pages, but it might be the most epic.
It’s a post-script to a Times interview with the great Michael Rosen – author, poet, activist and much else besides.
It’s just gone viral on Reddit because, well, look.
Apart from that, @MichaelRosenYes, how did you enjoy the @thetimes article? pic.twitter.com/qSh8Rp3iLN
— David Brindle (@DavidJ_Brindle) February 28, 2023
And here it is again, just in case it’s tricky to read.
Ooof, that’s one for the corrections and clarifications hall of fame.
This list of corrections is probably longer than the original article.
— Flims Radar (@FlimsRadar) February 28, 2023
And here’s what the great man made of it.
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) February 28, 2023
Classic Correction: there were at least seven errors in Michael Odell’s interview with @MichaelRosenYes in last Saturday’s Times. https://t.co/7ZLr7xRe5i https://t.co/MoSnjEe8hn
— Ian Fraser (@Ian_Fraser) March 1, 2023
Do I get a prize?
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) March 1, 2023
You get a free lunch with a Times columnist of your choice.😉
— Ian Fraser (@Ian_Fraser) March 1, 2023
I’d take that.
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) March 1, 2023
Here’s the original interview, just in case you fancy a read (you’ll probably have to pay for it, though).
And because we’re talking Rosen, any excuse to remember this fabulous takedown from back in the day of Piers Morgan’s son, Spencer.
Finally, Michael Rosen’s new book!
‘Pre-order your copy of Getting Better here: https://t.co/7K2cOwBA0F’ pic.twitter.com/tmguiW6n9O
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) December 20, 2022
Source Twitter @DavidJ_Brindle