
This all-time classic comeback deserves a monument all of its own

In the classic comebacks hall of fame, this is surely close to the very top.

It’s a response to someone called @siferd18, who describes himself on Twitter as a ‘Marine Corps Veteran, Father, Husband and Bitcoin Hodler’.

His Twitter profile picture has changed since this exchange, however, for reasons which will become rapidly, gloriously, obvious.

You can hear the ‘oof!’ from the other side of the Atlantic.

A gift from the people of France, the words on the base of the Statue of Liberty were written by Emma Lazarus in 1883.

‘Give me your tired, your poor,

‘Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

‘The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

‘Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

‘I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’

And here are just a few of the comments it prompted.

‘Even I knew where that was from and I’m in a different country.’

‘I think this is actually the norm tbh.

‘The American Dream is a fantasy that almost every other country knows.

‘Nowadays more and more people are realizing that a fantasy is all it really is and that the reality is America is just 50 third world countries masquerading as a 1st country by absolutely bloating their collective military spending at the cost of the quality of life each person is entitled to.

‘It must have been real once, though, as the words on the statue once held such grandiose meaning. At least, I like to think it was real once.’

“Nah, that’s the Statue of MY Liberty, not anybody else’s”

Source Twitter @siferd18 Reddit u/beerbellybegone