Elon Musk may be about to set up Twinder – 17 funny twakedowns
It’s often hard to tell when Elon Musk is joking – largely because it’s not generally funny when he is. So, when he had this exchange on Twitter, we didn’t know whether we were seeing the birth of another money-making gimmick or a tongue-in-cheek throwaway comment.
See what you think.
There were one or two flies in the Twinder ointment, and these tweets have it covered.
Them: How did you meet your boyfriend?
Me: Well, I was tweeting completely normal stuff and he tagged DHOTY in the replies https://t.co/0E5VSxBDoq
— Ron Fleasley (@Ron_Fleasley) May 10, 2023
No offence but absolutely everyone on Twitter is repulsive and I wouldn't touch any of you with a barge pole. NO OFFENCE. https://t.co/7ULe9YW3yW
— Tom Little, your friend and hero. (@ThisIsTomLittle) May 10, 2023
"I met my wife through Twitter Dating, but after 10 years we couldn't afford the monthly fees so Elon was legally able to annul our marriage certificate." https://t.co/SiGdl0iALf
— Alex Kramer (@shamshandwich) May 10, 2023
If this works similar to the for you tabs its gonna match you with whoever you sent a deaththreat to recently https://t.co/zwIYPXnOtb
— B0l (@Bolverk15) May 10, 2023
so far Elon has floated the idea of turning Twitter into a video site, a dating site, a job website, a video call service
Elon Musk apparently paid $44 billion for the one website he did not want https://t.co/hEWrXMHeYy
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) May 10, 2023
Loads of people I follow met their partners on Twitter, so it would appear that it’s already quite an effective dating site anyway. Also, I do not think Elon Musk, the person in the world least able to interact normally with other humans, should be allowed near a dating project https://t.co/3zF9AKcnt2
— Red Sky At Night (@redskyatnight) May 10, 2023
imagine wanting to date someone who is attracted to the person you are on here https://t.co/Am2eXOa1O8
— Michael Hobbes (@RottenInDenmark) May 10, 2023
Gonna meet my Prince Twagger https://t.co/0E5VSxBDoq
— Ron Fleasley (@Ron_Fleasley) May 10, 2023
Add Airbnb and Uber stuff, too. Let pisspisspiss drive me to PastorHitler5's house. https://t.co/fZXuDM0Wxi
— Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) May 10, 2023
The fact Elon Musk thinks a phone and video call system as well as a dating section would run smoothly on an app like Twitter pic.twitter.com/kvBUE90Jcq
— JustRandomThoughts (@randomstuffxzxz) May 10, 2023
Oh sweet Jesus. Imagine, for a moment, the absolute state of Twitter Blue Dating.
I'd rather concrete over my own vagina, thanks. https://t.co/Bm513aS4lB
— Sharon O'Dea (@sharonodea) May 10, 2023
i can see elon tweeting "opening girlfriend/wife applications" https://t.co/Fs5vcXpdHN
— bad bad no good takes ️⚧️ (@TakesAppalling) May 10, 2023
Who called it Twitter and not Tinder, IG and WhatsApp? https://t.co/zljCcSbnLk
— Mr Black⁛ (@MrBlackOG) May 10, 2023
twitter dating already exists and it’s in the form of liking each others tweets for several months or years until you eventually find yourself having sex with them in a bathroom at IHOP https://t.co/JL0BfGa0Eq
— cinnamon bun (@notsofiacoppola) May 10, 2023
Finally, a way for angry incels who worship @elonmusk to hook up with each other. https://t.co/bkOoo8DM4p
— SIVA VAIDHYANATHAN (@sivavaid) May 10, 2023
restrict it to twitter blue users only so we can get them out of the dating pool https://t.co/s43mNmux3k
— adrian (@crawf34) May 10, 2023
It already exists it’s called being hot and/or funny https://t.co/P0DoV83x7V
— Kai (@kamilumin) May 10, 2023
@EmmaTolkin had one simple requirement.
What I really want is a way to cross check who has twitter blue through OTHER dating apps so I can swipe left immediately. That would rule. https://t.co/xA26L7e5b2
— is pro WGA (@EmmaTolkin) May 10, 2023
Your move, Elon.
Twitter HQ’s modified sign is more evidence that Elon Musk is three 10-year-olds in an overcoat
Image Nathan Dimlao and Mika Baumeister on Unsplash