
Rob Rinder’s takedown of the schools minister over our crumbling schools was simply magnificent

In a further unfortunate sign of the way we live now, the return to schools after the summer break will be nothing of the sort for many pupils after it turned out their school buildings are in danger of crumbling around their ears.

The government was keen to point out that it was, of course, not the fault of the people who have been governing for the last 13 years and blew a whole in the school building programme when they came to power all those years ago.

Not only that, the government also tried not to tell us which schools they were worried about crumbling.

Anyway, we mention all this because schools minister Nick Gibb was on Good Morning Britain today to try to explain the whole thing away, and presenter Rob Rinder was having none of it.

And it’s a most magnificent and supremely satisfying watch. Not that it’ll keep any schools up, mind.



And here are just a few of the things people said about it.

N Gibb – see me.

Source Twitter @SaulStaniforth