
People aren’t convinced by the advice in this old fast food retail training video

A training video for the Hardee’s fast food chain – which looks like it was made in the 80s or 90s – has been getting the thumbs down from Instagram users after being posted by nerdlife1985.

Many viewers seem to think that it pushes that old ‘the customer is always right’ principle a bit too far. See what you think.

nerdlife1985 added –

“Got to hand it to the “manager” She’s a real pro.

I would have lost it on this woman. Probably would have dumped a bucket of mustard over Tommy’s head.

When she says “YOU CAN’T GET YOUR ORDERS STRAIGHT” That’s when it would have been go time.”

This is what Instagram users had to say about it.

Tommy is a 40-year-old old man and Karen Is fed up with his bullshit so she takes her frustration out on fast food staff to cope.

Today’s world Karen would’ve thrown the bag at her.

She’s in a rush but took an entire 15 minutes to complain.

Tommy needs to shut his pie hole and eat the mustard.

Tommy has lousy taste. Mustard is wonderful.

Ever hear of a spit burger without mustard? That’s coming up. 3 minutes.

At least chairs weren’t thrown,windows busted out and hamburgers and fries thrown all over the place for 2.39!

Why do you keep coming back if the food is always wrong? Just to complain

Ma’am take your freakin’ money and bother some other burger joint …Capisce?!

canned_peaches74 had a different problem.

Now I’m hungry for that mustard burger.


This hideously dated 90s ‘model training video’ will teach you everything about modelling in the 90s

Source nerdlife1985 H/T Digg Image Screengrab