News election Emily maitlis nigel farage

Nigel Farage was hit by a milkshake in Clacton but Emily Maitlis landed the most telling blow

Nigel Farage’s first full day of campaigning as Reform UK’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Clacton didn’t go entirely to plan after someone threw a drink over him, flush in the face.

Not a beer but a banana milkshake from McDonald’s, according to reports, and just like Farage it’s not very big and it’s not very clever.

But surely the more telling blow was landed by the estimable Emily Waitlis, formerly of the BBC and now the @TheNewsAgents podcast.

She shoehorned herself between the crowds to get a word with the self-anointed Reform UK leader and it’s a minute or so very well spent.

Nicely done, Emily Maitlis.

And here are just a few of the many comments it prompted.

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