Entertainment films

Someone asked people to share ‘the best movie transition’, and this has to be in with a shot

We don’t normally notice film transitions – where one piece of filming joins to the next – because they’re just part of the narrative, but some are so beautifully crafted that they’re too special to ignore.

A TikToker named quanticocrewcm asked people to share their favourite transitions, and other TikTok users stitched their videos to hers. One in particular grabbed people’s attention.

Patrick Hanson‘s favourite transition, from Jodie Foster‘s 1997 film, Contact, will blow your mind – unless you’re a film student or a cinematographer or something, in which case …ignore us.



##stitch with @quanticocrewcm 🤯 ##movie ##transitions

♬ original sound – Patrick Hanson


We weren’t the only ones left in the dark.

Without wishing to ruin the illusion, here are the film’s visual effects supervisors, Ken Ralston and Stephen Rosenbaum, talking us through the sequence.

We’re with Natalia Muchova.


Stop everything and watch this award-winning German advert – it’ll blow your mind

Source Patrick Hanson Image Screengrab