Life ageing Ask Reddit

‘What ages a person REALLY quickly?’ 17 things that make you look beyond your years to beware of

Some things are a dead giveaway when it comes to age. That’s why most of us go to great lengths to cover up grey hairs and wrinkles.

But these aren’t the only things that age a person. In fact there are small, everyday occurrences which can pile on the years. To bring these ageing accelerators to light, Redditor rentinghappiness put this question to the hive mind of Ask Reddit.

‘What ages a person REALLY quickly?’

Take note of these top answers if you want to cling on to a youthful glow for as long as possible…

‘Lack of sleep.’

‘A stressful job.’

‘Cigarettes, stress, a poor diet, sun damage.’

‘meth. don’t do meth.’


‘Being a caregiver. It doubled the aging rate for my mom (she took care of my dad).’

‘I’m going to go outside of how most are answering here and not focus on physical aging.

‘Trauma mentally ages you beyond a reasonable amount. All it takes sometimes is one traumatic event and you go from being trusting, happy, full of life, and hopeful to jaded beyond your years and a shell of yourself, not to mention quite hopeless and/or quiet depending on the event.’

‘Worrying about things that are not in your control.’