‘What’s your low stakes UK conspiracy theory?’ – 23 small but very intriguing and especially British mysteries
Conspiracy theories are ten a penny nowadays and it’s wise to be highly suspicious of them, and the people who espouse them.
But sometimes it’s the smaller ones that really niggle away at you, and you can’t quite help wondering if there are some small, but still nefarious, things going on beneath the radar.
Over on the AskUK subreddit, user shitthrower asked ‘What’s your low stakes UK conspiracy theory?’ and followed the question up with an example of their own:
‘I am convinced that the ‘Extra’ motorway services brand intentionally chose a logo similar the McDonalds in order to convince people to stop there.’
Now we think about it, that does seem suspicious. And there were plenty of others too…
‘Last year’s Guinness shortage was a marketing tactic.’
‘I think Jeremy Clarkson is secretly very left wing and has been trolling right wingers for decades.’
‘All those endless roadworks on UK motorways? They’re just a front to spend budget surpluses before the fiscal year ends—no one’s actually fixing anything. The cones? They’re shuffled around weekly to give the illusion of progress.’
‘The only reason The Last of the Summer Wine lasted so long (still the longest running sitcom in the world) was because it was The Queen’s favourite show.’
‘The UK school system teaches us that the Roman Empire was amazing, so that we subconsciously accept the British Empire’s history as being amazing.
Think about it: they teach us how the Romans conquered various places including here and built roads, underfloor heating, and had great literature.’
‘Televisions come with shitty speakers now so you have to buy a soundbar or decent system.’
‘Supermarkets bake one in every five cookies with loads of chocolate chips in it, and put that cookie at the front of the pack. So you see the pack and think they look delicious, but the other four cookies have way less chocolate in them.’
‘Political parties have absolutely no ideology to go on these days, except for just contradicting and adopting the opposing stance to the current incumbents.’
‘Hash browns were never part of a full English until about 20 years ago and everyone’s been gaslit into thinking they always were and are thus traditional. I remember though. I remember the before times.’
‘Mens clothes sizes have got bigger but claim to be same size as before..to make fat people feel less like, you know. Fat.’
‘There’s a secret deal between tea brands and electricity companies to make tea bags weaker, so we boil the kettle more often. By 2030, you’ll need three bags just to get a faint beige.’