This spectacularly entitled sister-in-law had an outrageous favour to ask and got all the responses they deserved
This jaw-dropping tale of an aunt being mad at her niece for asking for more food makes your family look functional
A son shared this most unfortunate discovery in his mum’s bookcase and it prompted a stupid amount of very funny replies
A teenager asked why parents never close their sons’ bedroom doors and this brutally honest (NSFW) answer went wildly viral
This looking after baby ‘hack’ went wildly viral and people had so many questions
Here’s a minute and a bit to make your day so much better (sound up!)
This Mexican mum’s fury at her daughter complaining of the cold goes out to anyone who’s ever fought over the heating thermostat (so all of us then)
‘What is a sentence you could both say during sex and Thanksgiving dinner?’ – 17 delicious servings
Angela Rayner’s mum phoned during a Channel 4 interview and we can’t decide if it was the worst moment or the best
The fury of this entitled aunt for whom the offer of free books simply wasn’t enough is a proper jaw-dropper
People loved this woman’s response to the sister-in-law who always forgets her wallet
13 outrageously entitled siblings who played the family card to zero effect
The mounting fury of this outrageously entitled sister-in-law is quite the read
This family’s unconventional efforts to get rid of a rat is today’s funniest thing
This eye-opening Reddit post got people looking closely at their work/life balance – 13 favourite responses