Ex Tory MP Jonathan Gullis has been whingeing about how hard it is to find another job and the sympathy was non-existent
Jonathan Gullis
Unemployed Jonathan Gullis blamed ‘classroom activists’ stopping him returning to teaching and the TUC’s A++ response was simply savage
This trade union had the very best response for these people’s faces listening to Jonathan Gullis
Jonathan Gullis being royally owned over his election prospects is a tantalising taste of what’s to come (probably)
This 20 seconds of Jonathan Gullis at PMQs is a grim reminder of the state of parliamentary democracy right now
Jonathan Gullis challenged Gary Lineker to run against him for Parliament and Lineker had the very best response
Jonathan Gullis accused Gary Lineker of breaking BBC rules over Rwanda and the MotD man’s response was championship-winning stuff
Jonathan Gullis’ ‘MP Mastermind’ was funny – but the parody is so much better
Jonathan Gullis’ accidental party political broadcast wrecks his chances of a job with the Stoke Tourist Board
The Secret Tory’s Jonathan Gullis overdub hilariously nails the MP’s perma-fury