This guy telling a pro golfer how to play golf is straight out of the mansplaining hall of fame
This mansplainer who tried to use War and Peace to make a political point ended up schooled into next year and his payoff made it even funnier
This conservative blogger mansplaining how to conduct an orchestra was magnificently owned into next week and it hits all the right notes
This woman’s magnificent ‘mansplainer explainer’ chart is as brilliant (and sadly relatable) today as it was then
This mansplainer telling women all about giving birth got all the responses he deserved and more
This woman’s epic response to a classic mansplainer is a proper hall of famer
We’re only two days in but this ‘reply guy’ is already a hot contender for best response of the year
The mansplainers queuing up to say why this weight loss pic is ‘faked’ is a facepalm for the ages
The mansplainers who didn’t get this Fleetwood Mac joke made it even better
Mansplainers told this Olympic champion how to hold a gun and were shot down in flames