Szczesny: fans upset over ‘lack of rhymes’
Sports News: Arsenal goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny has apologised to Gunners fans over the lack of easy-rhyming words to use in terrace chants about him.
Says the Polish goalkeeper: “I think the best I’ve heard is ‘Szczesny isn’t any, good’ which has some elements of rhyme in it, but it scans really badly. Plus if I’m being really picky, my surname is pronounced Shi-jesh-ny – so even the rhyme isn’t that strong. I know I haven’t made it easy for them, and I am sorry, but fans need to work a bit harder at this also.”
“It’s been an incredibly tough season.” explained one fan.
“I agree that the quality of some of the chanting has been very poor – although it’s always quite loud, the wordplay hasn’t always been there. I was quite pleased with some of the ‘dong’ and ‘wrong’ rhymes we used for midfielder Alex Song, but I confess we were really relying on seeing more of team masseur Kieran Hunt out on the sidelines.”