
Someone is asking for a calorie count of this 40lb bag of Marshmallows on Amazon and people are taking the piss

This question spotted over on Amazon is good for a quick laugh:

Someone else did offer this alternative reply:

MyFitnessPal estimates 7 grams of dried marshmallows to be 25 calories.

That makes this 40 lb bag 453,592.5 calories.

If you are watching your diet at about 2000 calories per day, you could eat nothing but marshmallows from this bag for the next 226.8 days.

Actually the whole thing is a gold mine of people taking the piss.

5.0 out of 5 stars
Just the right amount
By Bob Kazamakis on July 15, 2015

Many might think that 40 pounds of dehydrated marshmallows is excessive, and those people would be correct. I purchased the 40 pound case thinking it would be a fun way to add some flavor to my bowl of bland cheerios in the morning. Little did I know that when I found myself strolling through the isle at my local grocery store to get some more cheerios that I would make a discovery as large as I did. I found a cereal with the marshmallows already added for you, they are called lucky charms. I now found myself in quite the dilemma, I have 40 pounds of these marshmallows at home and now my new cereal already has marshmallows mixed in for me. I couldn’t think of a better way to get rid of my supply other than to eat all of my marshmallows myself.

I began my journey at approximately 8:00 A.M. with hopes of finishing the case in near record time. I found myself halfway done with the case around noon and was feeling great. If I had managed to keep my pace for the rest of the day i would have been done sometime around 4:00 P.M. so I was very glad to have taken the day off work that day. Unfortunately I hit a wall around pound 30 and my efforts to eat the whole case came to a screeching halt. I powered on though and continued to eat. It was nearly 10:00 P.M. when i finished pound number 38 and I could really start to feel the effects of the marshmallows starting to get to me. I hadn’t walked around since 8:00 A.M. when i started my journey and I began to fear that I would never walk again, but I was way to far to quit just because of my potential medical damages. I polished off pound 40 just before midnight.

I had done it, i finished the entire 40 pound case of marshmallows in just 16 hours. I must say that I don’t have many regrets after the fact, the doctors at my local hospital has been running tests on me ever since I showed up 3 weeks ago after finishing the case. I haven’t eaten anything since that sacred day, the doctors think that I consumed enough sugar to keep my heart pumping at a cool 175 beats per minute. They tell me that if I move even a little that my heart rate could spike somewhere into the mid two hundreds. All and all I must say that eating the entire 40 pound case of dehydrated marshmallows has been the biggest life accomplishment that I will ever make.

Source: Reddit