Someone’s spotted Donald Trump’s ‘neck fanny’ and now we can’t unsee it
Readers of a sensitive disposition should probably look away now.
I was having a good Friday, then I noticed Trump’s neck fanny. Now I’m struggling to even keep water down. 🙁
— cluedont (@cluedont) August 4, 2017
In close-up.
And, er, just when you didn’t think it could get any worse (don’t say we didn’t warn you) look what this guy did.
Did this while queuing in the bank.
— mike sim (@mikeysim) August 4, 2017
Good lord, no.
Turns out there’s a whole Twitter feed devoted to it, although it may not be the sort of thing you want to be too closely associated with.
— Tony Denton (@tonydenton78) August 4, 2017