
22 ways to scare the English using just 4 words

12. It was bad enough seeing him the first time

13. No social interaction, please. We’re British!

14. Don’t take away our most treasured institution

15. Pedantry is a national sport

16. Oh my God – black tea!

17. The chaos continues

18. Keep your Americanisms away from us

19. So, we have to talk to our colleagues?

20. The truth hurts

21. What if the Scots gain independence?

22. The ‘B’ word

Two related suggestions spoke to the biscuit-lovers amongst us – so, everyone, right? There was this horrific gif from comedy genius, Olaf Falafel, in which the terror is less in the words than the visuals.

Followed by this existential biscuit threat from another comedy genius and national treasure, Dawn French.