
This picture of a crow went viral because it’s not what it seems. It’s not what it seems at all

There’s something a little mysterious about crows at the best of times – perhaps because the highly intelligent birds are so dark they can be like living shadows as they flit from branch to branch in the woods. Maybe it’s just because they look like they teach at Hogwarts – who knows? One picture of a crow has been getting a lot of attention because, well …see for yourself.

What, at first glance, appears to be a perfectly normal picture of a crow is in fact a very unusual picture of a black cat, doubling the creepiness. When it was posted by u/dickfromaccounting on Reddit with the title, ‘This picture of a crow is interesting because it’s actually a cat’, someone thought they recognised the cat.

The picture has been popping up all over the place as people try to get their heads around the trick of the eye. One post on Twitter has been retweeted more than 30,000 times and viewed many more.

Some people reacted with utter bafflement.

It’s basically a real-world representation of this old “rabbit or duck” perspective trick, made famous by the philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein.

We’ve passed it on.

H/T Indy100

Breaking! Monster Halloween Spider Pranks Londoners

Londoners were given the Halloween heebie-jeebies today as a terrifying giant creepy crawly was spotted prowling the streets of the capital.

Fanta Halloween

This prank will leave you shaken 🕷️

Posted by Fanta on Friday, 26 October 2018

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