
This clip of Starbucks cup art has gone viral because it’s a little bit of genius

We’re used to seeing Starbucks cups with weird misspellings of names but the latest cup-related item doing the rounds is very different. Check out 1961___‘s post.

What starts out as a pretty boring coffee cup ends up as a kick-ass portrait of Totoro and Mei from Studio Ghibli’s ‘My Neighbor Totoro’. The clip has had more than 10m views, which is unsurprising because once you see it, you just want to watch it over and over.

The talent behind the transformation is South Korean ‘paper cup artist’, Soo Min Kim, who has created dozens of these unique works of art.

Here are some more fun pieces.

Having a recharge

At the United Nations

Kentucky Fried Starbucks

Stay Puft

Suicide Squad

At the rodeo

Here he is creating his latest piece, a decidedly chilled Thanos.

Sources: Facebook and YouTube