Brian May didn’t like the Guardian slagging off Bohemian Rhapsody’s editing (but watch this and you’ll see why they did)
The makers of Bohemian Rhapsody ending up having the last laugh over the critics who slagged it off after winning a hatful of Oscars last night.
Along with Rami Malek, who won the best actor prize for his portrayal of Freddie Mercury, it also won prizes including the best editing Oscar.
Which really, really surprised people because, well, watch this.
People, actual fucking people, are watching scene after scene like this and are saying "bruuuh! best. movie. of. the. year"?
This is objectively bad. Someone with no idea about editing will notice it. My brain is on fire thinking that this is an OSCAR NOMINATED MOVIE! FUCK!— Pramit Chatterjee (@pramitheus) January 26, 2019
It IS quite rapid fire, isn’t it?
And the criticism hadn’t gone unnoticed by none other than Brian May, who had a very close hand in the making of the film, and it turns out he’s still quite angry about it after he bumped into the Guardian’s Hadley Freeman last night.
I really salute the adorable pettiness of all the nominees I met last night (all two of ‘em) who came over all furious when I mentioned The Guardian, because someone, once, wrote a disobliging comment about them in it. Guys, you’re at OSCARS. What validation will ever be enough?
— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) February 25, 2019
Here are some of our favourite things people said about that clip.
This clip needs
1) 58 more cuts
2) 3x bigger teeth
3) Plus 100 more cuts— Alex Hirsch (@_AlexHirsch) February 25, 2019
I’d hate to see the shoot script.
Slide swipe!— Jonathon Klein (@jonathon_klein) February 25, 2019
Ok I'm gonna need 2 shots a second here guys, remember it's a static conversation taking place in a pub garden on Venus, please edit it like a car chase from the Fast and the Furious
— The author, Séamas O'Reilly (@shockproofbeats) February 25, 2019
It took them 8 cuts for the guy in the suit to pull up a chair and start talking.
Like…This is how you make 10 seconds feel like an eternity.— The Shores of Graphite (@Graphiteshores) February 25, 2019
Fixed it for them. Enjoy.
— Stephen Solo (@stephensolos) February 25, 2019
I counted 50 cuts in that 82 seconds
— 🖤 Revenge of David J Bradley🐲 (@DavidJBradley1) February 25, 2019
It certainly deserved to win Most Editing.
— Ben Stephens (@stephens_ben) February 25, 2019
Apparently the Live Aid scene was really good, though. And it’s all about opinions, right?
the editing alone in Live Aid session definitely shows that bohemian rhapsody earned it.
— TheZenAtheist (@AthiestZen) February 25, 2019
And to read Hadley Freeman’s full Oscars piece you can find it here.
ANYWAY I wrote about my night and how the whole shebang is in a moment of transition (kinda). Includes Michael B Jordan stroking my stomach and thereby impregnating me with triplets (probably)
— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) February 25, 2019