
This American’s argument against free healthcare is in urgent need of attention

Here’s American presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders asking Americans about the impact of the huge health care costs they have over there in the States.

We only mention it because this person’s response went viral because, welll, have a look for yourself.

Quick, someone dial 999. This is an emergency.

‘People actually think this, ridiculous,’ said the person who shared it on Reddit. Fortunately there were plenty of people around to put them right.

‘Ambulances are free (or close to) in Norway, but if you call them without a good reason chances are you’re not gonna get picked up by one… But you may get picked up by a police car and that will not be a cheap ride, nor will it take you where you want to go…’ Usagi-Zakura

‘Not only in Norway, ma dude. In — I think — almost all countries.’ Brankovt1

‘I don’t think this guy understands how ambulances work.’ zookmon

‘Cant blame him for that, hes never used one because he cant afford it.’ Ankoku_Teion


This American accused IKEA of disrespecting the Stars and Stripes and was schooled into next week

Source Reddit u/E_–_–_–_–_–_–_