
People love what happened when this woman’s daughter interrupted her BBC News interview

It’s not the first time a live interview on the BBC News channel has been interrupted by a child, and it won’t be the last.

But this one is especially brilliant because everything about it is a total delight.

It just gets better and better.

Wonderful, just wonderful.

Scarlett’s mum is Dr Clare Wenham, assistant professor of Global Health Policy and the news reader is Christian Fraser, just in case you were wondering.

Here’s what a fellow BBC newsreader made of it.

And what other people were saying about it on Twitter.

And then, would you believe it, the very same thing happened on Sky News. Not sure the presenter handled it quite so well though.

While we’re here, don’t forget to follow @scottygb on Twitter for all things telly related.


This just happened on BBC News and it’s the perfect metaphor for Brexit

Source Twitter @scottygb