Weird World Andrew tate

Andrew Tate said it was gay to enjoy sex with women and was fact checked til he farted

Time now to return to the grim personification of the toxic manosphere, Andrew Tate (only for a short while, honest).

You might remember it’s only a few days since Tate said men’s ‘genetic potential’ was being stumped ‘by the whims of some singular female,’ suggesting you were a proper loser if you didn’t have at least 30 kids (Tate has none).

And with absolute predictably it’s a topic he’s returned to with his latest pronouncement which is our new dictionary definition of unhinged.

And it prompted no end of very entertaining takedowns (12 of which we’ve rounded up here).

Like this, for instance.

And this.

But the best response was surely the ‘readers added context’ footnote at the bottom of his tweet, which spoke for the entire internet.

Beautifully succinct and straight to the point, our favourite Twitter correction to date.


These proud Brits tried to explain how their country had been taken away and were owned into next year

Source @Cobratate