Weird World

An anti-masker left his server a petty message and a terrible tip

A waitress has shared a photo of the message left for her by an anti-mask customer, along with his incredibly low tip. Ali Siverhus posted this on her social media accounts.

Ali explained that she was wearing a mask when she took the man’s order, in accordance with city mandates in Lincoln, Nebraska, where she works.

Customers aren’t even required to wear masks, so she was baffled by his attitude.

How is me wearing a mask affecting this man?

She added this message for the guy who left the note:

I hope your son didn’t see you do this and doesn’t turn into the piece of shit you are.

I hope you never come back and if you do none of the servers will want to serve you or waste their time giving you anything beyond adequate service.

A man claiming to be the customer, Rex Shroeder, contacted a news outlet to insist he had added $10 in cash, although restaurant security footage shows that he didn’t – and Shroeder may not even be the man involved.

Here are a few things Twitter users said about the anti-masker’s behaviour.

Someone named Gene may have hit the nail on the head.


An “anti-masker’s” rant about a barista earned him almost $90k in “tips”

Source Daily Dot Image Daily Dot, @bimoluki02 on Unsplash