This headline about an ‘illegal rave’ is peak 2021 – and it’s only January
As the government has repeatedly warned, they’re stepping up sanctions against people who break coronavirus rules, and most of us understand why.
However, not all apparent breaches are what they seem to be – which is how we ended up here.
— Essex Echo (@Essex_Echo) January 20, 2021
How old are the Shamen now?
These five reactions say all that needs to be said.
Peak 2021, hilarious
‘Illegal rave’ in Southend just pensioners queuing for jab | Echo https://t.co/4O8LGhRKZB
— Adam Brooks (@EssexPR) January 21, 2021
Who were the pensioners 'raving' to, Vera Lynn?
— Yvonne 🐈🇬🇧 (@ItsJustaRide) January 21, 2021
Tbf that lot do take a lot of pills….
— Carla Laugh-A-Lot (@CarlaBaliLife) January 21, 2021
Apparently, "Three grannies were arrested for possession of Werther's Originals with intent to supply and another three for being under the influence of Sanatogen"
— NO SUCH THING AS LOCKDOWN (@Lovenothateman1) January 21, 2021
The pensioners said they were dancing to keep warm while waiting 😁
— Andrew Parker (@AndrewParkerUK) January 21, 2021
Over to the fabulous Angry People in Local Newspapers for today’s weird earworm.
🎵Vs are good
Vs are good
Having a vaccine is good🎶https://t.co/bYsjtXVJ0o— Angry People in Local Newspapers (@angrypiln) January 23, 2021
Thanks for that, @angrypiln.
Daily Star wins headline of the day
Source Essex Echo Image Screengrab, Screengrab