
This guy ‘literally cycling over a bridge’ went viral because it’s absolutely terrifying

We’ve cycled over a few bridges in our time, but we’ve never done it quite like this. At all like this, in fact.

‘This guy literally cycled over a bridge,’ said Seanwys who sent it viral on Reddit.

Next level stuff.

The cyclist is Antoni Velloni and here he is doing the same ride but from a different angle.

Different perspective, same degree of terrifying.

‘Oh HELL NO.’ cthunders

‘Bruh imagine what the drivers think lol.’ Technical_Produce_65

‘Drivers will think what they always think – “those fucking cyclists”.’ pinkguyfriedrice

‘I’ve played this Mario Kart level too.’ HelloFellowKidlings


This cat playing with his army man toy is 11 seconds very well spent

Source Reddit u/Seanwys YouTube