Rudy Giuliani’s ‘tiny’ son video went hugely viral – 11 favourite takedowns
Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practising law in New York over his false Donald Trump election claims about voter fraud.
We only mention this because Giuliani’s son Andrew, who is running for governor of New York, made a video defending his father and it was unintentionally hilarious.
It won’t take you long to spot why.
Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani’s law license. Here is my statement: pic.twitter.com/A3O0buL6LG
— Andrew H. Giuliani (@AndrewHGiuliani) June 24, 2021
And here are our 11 favourite things people said about it.
Honestly, the framing of this video, making him look like a very small and bratty child, is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life. https://t.co/qOSMEBryRk
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) June 24, 2021
Did your dad book that carpark for you?
— Jemaine Clement (@AJemaineClement) June 25, 2021
I too am very upset about what happened to your father! pic.twitter.com/ehCvXuG5wT
— Robert S. Hamer (@robsolonhamer) June 24, 2021
Not the sort of chap you’d expect to take the knee. Fair play. https://t.co/GJ5Rxh25tz
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) June 24, 2021
— Travis Akers (@travisakers) June 24, 2021
When you don’t have any friends to hold the camera so you mount it on…the roof of your car? https://t.co/Yqzc5IUbUe
— Dana Goldberg (@DGComedy) June 24, 2021
This was shot in the New York Supreme Courtyard Marriott parking lot 😂
— Jake Lobin (@JakeLobin) June 24, 2021
Was the landscaping place booked? Dude shouting about shit in a parking lot. Get the fuck outta here dummy https://t.co/YX1XEX9tBJ
— Pete Dominick (@PeteDominick) June 24, 2021
Dude needs to learn the rule of thirds, stat. Also, this is totally unhinged. pic.twitter.com/coJaMzqGMs
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) June 24, 2021
I can't wait to hear which landscaping company forecourt @RudyGiuliani will chose to declare that the suspension of his legal license is a conspiracy and an outrage. And will he once again be sandwiched between a morgue and a dildo shop? On tenterhooks! pic.twitter.com/EbIFeLsjWv
— Mark Kermode (@KermodeMovie) June 24, 2021
To conclude …
I had thought that it couldn’t get better than Rudy’s law license getting suspended but then I saw Andrew Giuliani’s irate response video (framed for only his head) and I stand corrected.pic.twitter.com/NlPR5Quvee
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) June 24, 2021
18 hilariously awful ‘neighbours from hell’ to make you glad you live somewhere else
Source Twitter @AndrewHGiuliani