We regret to inform you that Morrissey’s been at it again
If you are one of the Moz Army – a devotee of Morrissey, lead singer of The Smiths – you’ll have seen your idol’s fall from grace become ever more public, beginning as far back as the 80s.
The Jeopardy category entitled ‘Morrissey’s Dodgy Opinions’ would include:
Reggae is the glorification of black supremacy.
Chinese people are a subspecies.
His support of anti-Muslim activist, Anne-Marie Waters.
Calling out the media for mistreating Tommy Robinson.
Saying Nigel Farage would make a good prime minister.
There’s a clear pattern, yet when the Guardian suggested he held racist views, this was his mature response.
Theresa May has really let herself go. pic.twitter.com/PRA1phyIJH
— Curtis Stigers (@curtisstigers) October 27, 2019
He’s back in the news again because of his views on the UK response to the pandemic, and it’s entirely the bin fire you’d expect.
In a new interview conducted by his nephew, Morrissey describes the pandemic as "Con-vid" and likens government restrictions to "slavery": https://t.co/hgPwVwZWtL pic.twitter.com/yHFlDWUXzR
— Consequence (@consequence) July 6, 2021
Twitter had a lot of thoughts on the matter, and these were our favourites.
When Morrissey likens something to slavery, I'm none the wiser whether he means it's a bad thing or not.
— Jason (@NickMotown) July 6, 2021
Things which are not slavery: Precautions intended to protect people from an airborne and highly contagious virus which has killed nearly four million people in the last 18 months. https://t.co/ltqNQgOWqy
— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) July 6, 2021
the gravestone of morrissey is gonna read: separate the art from the artist. https://t.co/YbIKgSAeUy
— Sloane (@SloaneFragment) July 6, 2021
The 6 stages of being a Morrissey fan. pic.twitter.com/NwgGSLidDJ
— Mike Radcliffe (@artbizness) July 6, 2021
Another day, another Morrissey story that makes me feel happy that I've never owned any of his records, Smiths included. Horrible old prick.
— Aidan Moffat (@AidanJohnMoffat) July 6, 2021
Imagine thinking that sitting on your arse watching Netflix for 18 months is slavery. What a bulb https://t.co/Opo51Y0nct
— Gwdihŵ🦉 (@youwouldknow) July 6, 2021
That Morrissey interview in full. pic.twitter.com/aJShkqCzsg
— Steve Blair (@UniversalExile) July 6, 2021
It's just coincidence that Morrissey says something controversial when he has a new (sic) album.
— lemn sissay OBE (@lemnsissay) July 6, 2021
🎶There is a prick who never shuts up🎶 https://t.co/ySXalMQFwx
— IT'S YOUR DECISION, DANIEL (@MrKenShabby) July 6, 2021
Morrissey’s trending so here’s a topical colouring-in sheet for you. pic.twitter.com/A1KAWwmzxk
— Jack Hurley (@loudribs) July 6, 2021
This reminds me how much I love Johnny Marr. That man must have had the patience of a saint.
— Green Mountain Bot (@GrnMtnBot) July 6, 2021
Rob Delaney’s response may be the only option left for Morrissey’s remaining fans.
What’s that? Morrissey what?? Can’t hear you; I’m listening to the Smiths.
No I will not turn it down.— Rob Delaney (@robdelaney) July 6, 2021
In a ‘shot-chaser’ sort of way –
There’s a delightful self-own in that Morrissey interview: "[Bowie] was always laughing at something, or smiling at least … I’d say something not remotely funny and he’d burst out laughing."
— Elvis Buñuelo (@Mr_Considerate) July 6, 2021
Morrissey’s latest interview went down about as well as the last one -12 savage takedowns
Source Consequence Image Screengrab, karatara on Unsplash