Novak Djokovic is out – and it’s not because of a dodgy umpire call
After a saga with as much to-ing and fro-ing as a centre court rally for match point, Novak Djokovic is finally and unequivocally out of the Australian Open.
Djokovic boards plane bound for Dubai after court upholds visa cancellation https://t.co/enQN7nNqkb pic.twitter.com/WJz3Ik3Bqe
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 16, 2022
It began when Djokovic obtained an exemption from vaccination due to having tested positive for Covid in December, but doubts were raised about that infection and declarations made on his visa application.
The final hit came with the failure of a legal challenge against the decision of Australia’s Immigration Minister to deport the world number one on the grounds of public interest.
I welcome today’s unanimous decision by the Full Federal Court of Australia, upholding my decision to exercise my power under the Migration Act to cancel Mr Novak Djokovic’s visa in the public interest.
I can confirm that Mr Djokovic has now departed Australia. pic.twitter.com/8CapwFeDCS
— Alex Hawke MP (@AlexHawkeMP) January 16, 2022
Djokovic is already on his way to Serbia to visit family and friends, rather than his usual base in the tax haven of Monaco.
It makes a change for a sportsperson to miss out on a competition because of drugs they haven’t taken. His fans – or fans of his stance against vaccine mandates – spoke out.
They were in the minority.
(Periodic and important reminder that Djokovic could have avoided all this rigamarole by simply getting vaccinated like 97%+ of his tennis player peers have.)
— Ben Rothenberg (@BenRothenberg) January 16, 2022
Yes it is incredibly funny that Djokovic tried to lie his way into a country and then got deported but it's also very funny that anti immigration goblin Nigel Farage tried to help and also failed miserably.
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) January 16, 2022
Djokovic can't be too surprised. Australia wouldn't even let Paul Hogan back in the country after he whined about quarantining, and he was Crocodile Dundee. G'day Novak. https://t.co/SW1QUa88MY
— Mr. Newberger (@jeremynewberger) January 16, 2022
He goes home with the World's Biggest Selfish Asshole Trophy. I hope he retains that title forever. https://t.co/amhK4gNTTh— marymary🇨🇦 💃🌞 (@mmofcan) January 16, 2022
Not all doom and gloom for Novak Djokovic after he manages to secure a window seat.
— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) January 16, 2022
There's so many privileged white blokes in trouble at the moment it's hard to keep up
But basically I think Novak Djokovic is no longer a part of the royal family, Prince Andrew has been throwing illegal parties and Boris Johnson is banned from playing in the Australian open?
— Toby Tarrant (@tobytarrant) January 14, 2022
Public health wins. https://t.co/RfR1X2Kdpm
— Dr. Purnima Menon (@PMenonIFPRI) January 16, 2022
40:15 Game, set, match Australia. https://t.co/tvJ2UwjM9s
— Dr Philip Lee (@drphiliplee1) January 16, 2022
Oh dear. How sad. Nevermind. https://t.co/or2RfUn0jX
— Mark Burnley (@DrMarkBurnley) January 16, 2022
Yes, in general, not being in the country the tournament is being held in because you've been deported does make it quite difficult to play in the tournament. pic.twitter.com/bdzWPuOt9A
— Kate Bevan (@katebevan) January 16, 2022
When Novak does have a match I encourage fans to shout during his serves since he is against mandates like everyone being quiet. https://t.co/nGZOqOn5uQ
— Eddie Feldmann (@EddieFeldmann) January 16, 2022
Everyone reading this tweet has the same chance to win the Australian Open as Novak Djokovic.
— Steve Hofstetter (@SteveHofstetter) January 16, 2022
Amazing scenes. Novak Djokovic waves to fans as Australia’s Border Control prepare to deport him. pic.twitter.com/Vvi5pMXYBr
— Stansaid Airport (@StansaidAirport) January 16, 2022
Djokovic has officially been deported… And of course we live in a world where a white male who’s paid millions to hit a fuckin tennis ball, will somehow be seen as a martyr… Djokovic is an unmitigated fool but, perhaps more disheartening, is the fools who now rally around him…
— Cyrus McQueen (@CyrusMMcQueen) January 16, 2022
Piers Morgan, who never minces his words, had this conclusion.
BREAKING: Covid rule cheat, immigration form liar, & anti-vaxxer icon Novak Djokovic loses final appeal against deportation & will be thrown out of Australia without being able to compete in Aus Open. Good. 👏👏👏 pic.twitter.com/nZAVgSsZK8
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 16, 2022
These Australian newsreaders were caught on an open mic being NSFW about Novak Djokovic
Source Reuters Image Screengrab