
Deborah Meaden’s takedown of this troll is today’s most satisfying thing

Despite Boris Johnson’s sweeping away of Covid guidelines, Dragons’ Den star Deborah Meaden is one of many people who say they will continue to wear a mask to help protect the vulnerable (and themselves).

Meaden is rather more high profile than most people, of course, so you might have guessed her tweet would attract the attention of the usual suspects.

And sure as night follows day …

We only mention it because it attracted the attention of this someone called Darren Smyth who obviously had nothing nice to say, so said this.

And we’re glad they did – stick with us – because it prompted the best comeback you’ll see today.


And here’s just a flavour of the love that came rolling in.

And finally, this.


Dan Walker took Liz Truss down with her own Instagram and it’s fabulous

Source Twitter @DeborahMeaden