Dover’s traffic chaos drove the direction of travel on Twitter – 12+ favourite reactions
Reports of absolute chaos for vehicles travelling through the port of Dover have dominated the headlines for days, as drivers queue for hours.
Critical incident warning at the Port of Dover where queues are currently in excess of four hours. One traveller said cars are moving "at fifty metres per hour. At this rate it'll be 34 hours before I get to the boat." More #BrexitReality https://t.co/lZAyZ8mPwL
— JOHN NICOLSON M.P. (@MrJohnNicolson) July 22, 2022
Project Fear Dover pic.twitter.com/mxpkQakOku
— PoliticalTheatrics (@johndalston1) July 24, 2022
Naturally, government sources and some of the media have blamed France for the delays, but people aren’t buying it.
If the French are responsible for the mess in Dover, it rather rubbishes any claim that *we* have taken back control.
— James Oh Brien (@mrjamesob) July 23, 2022
They were trying to get on a ferry at Dover. pic.twitter.com/GbxZt2DliM
— The Merciless One (@pete_nicoll) July 23, 2022
"British insistence on becoming a third country causes massive queues at Dover." There I've fixed it for you @thetimes pic.twitter.com/G5XEQyyw44
— Otto English (@Otto_English) July 24, 2022
How *dare* the Bloody French fulfil their legal obligations? It’s an utter disgrace. Must be all the garlic.
— Prof Paul Bernal (@PaulbernalUK) July 24, 2022
On the plus side, 62% of people in Dover must be very happy right now, because they are getting what they voted for.
— Parody Boris (@Parody_PM) July 23, 2022
Blaming the French for queues at Dover is like getting caught wanking and blaming the internet.
— Alistair Barrie 🇺🇦 (@AlistairBarrie) July 23, 2022
if you get stuck in those Dover queues & there’s no loo to use, there’s always this pic.twitter.com/rB7zNeZZIE
— Toby Earle 🇺🇦 (@TobyonTV) July 23, 2022
when Brexiteers said leave means leave that didnt quite turn out to be true in Dover did it
— dave ❄️ 🥕 🧻 (@davemacladd) July 23, 2022
"See all those ruined holidays? That's my fault." pic.twitter.com/VMwZ5SAnip
— Jon de Plume (@MrJonDePlume) July 22, 2022