
Americans were asked to pinpoint Iran on a map and it’s even worse than you think

In today’s episode of ‘Americans, what are they like’ comes this graphic of the time Americans were asked to pinpoint Iran on a map.

And it’s even worse than you think it’s going to be.

Surely some of them weren’t paying attention. Weren’t they?

‘I wonder if the map had borders when people were placing the dots. Some of the dots are right on the border between Iran and Turkmenistan. Maybe people were hedging their bets and trying to double their chances by placing their dot directly on a border.’

‘I get all the points in the middle east, but in Europe? Really?’

‘Pretty bad, considering it’s written right there on the map.’

It was so bad, in fact, that quite a few people were convinced it wasn’t all it seems.

‘Iran is in the North Sea, apparently.’

‘I mean there’s a decent number of these that are in the f-cking ocean, so I’m going to guess the results aren’t 100% representative of reality, be it better or worse.’

‘That’s why I call BS on this map. Nobody thinks Iran is in the North Sea, so what this map shows is that many of the respondents were just poking at random and therefore the data is garbage’

‘I want to meet the people who put it in the middle of the ocean.’

‘There’s always 3-20% of respondents who just don’t care.

‘They might even know, but can’t be arsed to do it ‘right’.’

‘This has to be trolling. Dozens of people just pick random spots in the sea.’

‘The idea here is to shit on Americans bro, nothing else.’


23 of the funniest maps from ‘Terrible Maps’ on Twitter

Source Reddit u/Starry_Night0123