
Surely the most British (and funniest) warning sign you’ll see this year

Latest in an occasional series, warning sign of the week is also the most British sign you’ll see this year.

And if it’s not, do tell us what beats it.

It was shared over in the corner of Reddit called ‘Casual UK’ by Lshamlad who said: ‘Such a British way of warning of a possible bull attack.’

‘Please be aware … Bull in this field.

‘It is not a legal requirement for us to notify you of this. However, it is illegal for us to erect a sign saying “Bull in Field” if the bull is not actually occupying the field, eg if it has been temporarily moved to the farmyard.

‘Therefore it is possible there is a bull in the field, but equally possible there is not.

‘We feel it is safer if we give some notification of the possibility, but as you just don’t know and we can’t say there is if there isn’t, please be alert, just in case.

‘If there is a bull his name is either Michigan, Maverick or Mozart.’

Magnificent! And that’s no bull (although there might be a bull).

‘I hope they’ve got three separate bulls with different names, rather than just one bull whose name they can’t properly remember.’

‘There’s possibly potentially probably presumably maybe a bull in this field, but possibly potentially probably presumably maybe not.’

‘Mozart? That’s not a bull.

‘That’s a wolf-gang dressed up in a bull costume.’

‘This reads like a Monty Python sketch.’

‘Schrödinger’s bull.’

Source Reddit u/Lshamlad Image Unsplash