The entitlement of this ‘choosing beggar’ sister-in-law is off the scale outrageous
We’ve featured no end of ‘choosing beggars’ on these pages in the past – people trying to get stuff on the cheap or for free.
But we’re not sure we’ve ever seen an exchange quite so epic – or jaw-dropping – as this.
It was shared by Redditor Mother_Customer7570 who was asked by a good friend to do their sister-in-law a favour.
Except it rapidly became clear that the favour expected by the sister-in-law was off the scale outrageous.
‘Literally shaking rn! One of my good friends asked for a favor. If her sis in law could stay in my guest room in Miami for her BBL appt… BIG REGRET!,’ said Mother_Customer7570.
And while we can’t wait to find out what happened next, here are our favourite things people said about it.
‘Ahh the old, “I’m saving my money by spending your money” trick.’
‘Like “how is this cheaper than me staying in a hotel” ???
‘I guess it isn’t? And that’s not my problem??’
Laura_Lye‘I’m going to make a suggestion: tell her “I don’t think this arrangement is going to work out, I have too much to do right now to help you sort this all out. I wish you the best of luck.”
‘Reading these texts sets off nothing but warning sirens in my head. If you let them into your home or your life I’m almost certain you’ll regret it. And it sounds like bowing out would cost you next to nothing.’
davidIopan‘Do NOT let this person into your home under any circumstances.
‘Someone that entitled is not living in reality and I can only foresee some kind of disaster if they do.’
TotallyBadatTotalWar‘The food part absolutely destroyed me… “what do you guys eat.”
‘Nothing bro. im a sentient AI I survive on a bit of oil to keep the gears going.’
‘She needs to make other arrangements. As soon as I read the words “use your thinking brain” I would be done.’
‘I was literally chill the whole entire time, when the thinking brain comment came, I got livid. Convo done ✅.’
Source Reddit u/Mother_Customer7570