
People have been photoshopping Banksy’s new artwork after that unfortunate council intervention – 13 favourites

A new Banksy artwork has rather lost its impact after the local council removed part of it on the grounds of health and safety.

The piece – called “Valentine’s day mascara” by Banksy – showed a 1950s housewife with a swollen eye and missing tooth, apparently shutting a man in a freezer.

Except it lost some (or all) of its impact after the local council in Margate, Thanet District Council, removed the fridge freezer on the grounds of safety, leaving it looking like this.

Which got people over on Reddit photoshopping their own solutions to what had happened, and these are our 13 favourites.

1. ‘See ya later alligator’

(via wiceo)

2. ‘A woman’s work is never done’

(via mechabeast)

3. ‘Ping Pong’

(via xprmntng)

4. ‘Low effort but very council friendly’

(via mully_and_sculder)

5. ‘Voila!’

(via danarchist)

6. ‘I guess Thanet Council have their own Banksy now …’

(via ReportAsSpam)

7. ‘kamehamehaaaaaaaa’

(via Mepsipax1)

8. ‘Banksy on the Beach’

(via alico127)ยท

9. ‘Fargo’

(via Affectionate_Room_38)

10. ‘Just warming up by the fire’

(via throwmamadownthewell)

11. ‘Taj Mahal’

(via ChrisRuss86)

12. ‘Toasty’

(via naturalman10)

13. And finally … ‘Fixed’

(via artunitinc)

That’s better.

Source Reddit u/eastkent