
Gary Lineker changed his Twitter profile picture and it’s the fabulous final word on the saga (probably)

We hesitate to suggest this might be the final word in the Gary Lineker saga, but we’re going to do it anyway.

After the BBC’s Match of the Day hokey-cokey (he’s out, in’s in, the schedule’s been shaken all about) Lineker has been going viral again on Twitter today.

First he responded to Conservative MP Johnathan Gullis – you remember – after he spectacularly misquoted the MotD presenter on Channel 4 News.

Here’s what Gullis had to say.

And Lineker’s response is the only one you need to that.

And while we wait to see Gullis’s apology, people have been noticing Lineker’s new Twitter profile.

It’s the George Orwell quote at the BBC’s Broadcasting House (next to a statue of Orwell himself) in central London. And that’s Lineker on the left.

The last word? Well, maybe (and just in case you’re wondering where he took it from) …

Source Twitter @GaryLineker