
A complaint about ‘in-your-face multiculturalism’ in the new Great Expectations led to some hard times on Twitter

Sunday night saw the BBC air the first episode of its new adaptation of Charles DickensGreat Expectations.

Starring Olivia Colman as the emotionally damaged and damaging reclusive Miss Havisham and Fionn Whitehead and Shalom Brune-Franklin as the adult Pip and Estella, Steven Knight‘s new look at the old favourite features levels of swearing, drug-taking and sex that wouldn’t have been an option for Dickens.

It also takes a more critical view of colonialism.

Without seeing it, some people took to Twitter to register their outrage – much of it recycled from when the National Trust announced it would be telling visitors more about the history of objects in their care.

Daily Mail columnist Peter Hitchens took great exception to the TV show diverting from Dickens’ original text.

He let his imagination run feverishly through the potential for ever more ‘woke’ versions of the writer’s works.

‘Oliver Twist might be re-imagined as a victim of sexual abuse by paedophile priests, or perhaps as a transgender teenager. A Tale Of Two Cities could be adjusted so that it takes place during the Nazi occupation of Paris, or even transferred to Vladimir Putin’s Moscow. Hard Times could be modified to deal with the problems of the NHS, or Arthur Scargill’s coal strike, or moved to the U.S. to take in the OxyContin opioid catastrophe.’

His review drew a fair amount of agreement …

There was also plenty of dissent.

Author Paul Embery shared what he obviously thought was an apt analogy – and he wasn’t just annoyed at the drug-taking and swearing, but also at the ‘in-your-face multiculturalism’.

His hot take got the reactions it deserved.









We’ll let Sorcha Ní Nia have the last word.

from Awkward GIFs via Gfycat


Some right-wingers are getting their knickers in a twist over a Dickens audiobook cast

Source Paul Emberry Image National Library of Wales