
Rubbish April? Never mind, here are 17 people who had a more irritating month than you

Farewell then April, which this year was an absolute shower in every sense.

But if you think you had a rubbish month, it could be worse, you could be one of these people who shared their most unfortunate (and irritating) moments over on Reddit.

1. ‘After eating two of these blueberry waffles, i went to heat up two more and saw that the package was for plain waffles. I ate mould’


4. ‘I was dining by myself and the servers took everything when I went to the bathroom’


3. ‘Something tells me the salad I bought last night isn’t safe to eat’


4. ‘Geek squad mounted my TV to the sewage pipe’


5. ‘Someone tried stealing my car last night’


6. ‘Just finished chopping 2 years worth of firewood just for the barn I was storing the firewood in to burn down’


7. ‘New measuring cup. All the ink came off in the first wash’


8. ‘The USPS postal worker made sure that he could get the record to fit into the mailbox’


9. ‘Left my bathroom window open for 3 weeks whilst i was away and a bird laid a nest in my sink’
