News metro weather

The Met Office replied to Metro’s NSFW cold weather headline and it just got better and better

As you might already have seen by now, the good people of Metro have been attracting all sorts of attention today with their spectacularly NSFW headline about the cold weather right now.

No, we’ve never seen the phrase ‘double-fisting’ used in relation to the weather either.

It prompted no end of fabulous responses, the best 21 of which we’ve rounded up over here. This one, from @jimmfelton, surely says it best

We mention it again – again! – not just because we can’t stop thinking about it, but because it was so outrageous it prompted the Met Office to issue a clarification.

Here’s the original Metro tweet.

And the Met Office’s response.

Magnificently done, all round!

And the exchange prompted a whole load of love, so much that it even took our mind off the freezing temperatures for a moment or two.

And also …

Source @metoffice Image Pixabay