Science AI

A delivery firm’s AI chatbot was no help whatsoever so this customer decided to have some fun with it and it’s brilliant

There’s nothing worse than when a really important delivery fails to turn up.

Actually, scratch that, there is something worse than a really important delivery fails to turn up.

It’s when you try to get in touch with the delivery company and you end up interacting with an AI chatbot that is absolutely no use whatsoever.

And it’s exactly this that happened to musician Ashley Beauchamp so he decided to have a bit of fun with it instead, and it’s just magnificent.

And just in case that’s tricky to read, here are those screenshots (but watch the video in full!)

Finally, a use for AI that we can all appreciate.

It is indeed.

Here’s what DPD had to say about it later.

‘We have operated an AI element within the chat successfully for a number of years. An error occurred after a system update yesterday. The AI element was immediately disabled and is currently being updated.’


Last words to @ashbeauchamp.

Source @ashbeauchamp. Image Unsplash